I was a crystal meth user for over 10 years
Date: Thursday, November 22 @ 16:53:56 PST

I was a crystal meth user for over 10 years - starting as a young teenager. I started by snorting it and then smoking it. I used everyday from the age of 14 - and now have been clean just over 3 years. It was 3 years on halloween 2007. I decided to quit on my own as i needed a change and it was the most difficult uphill battle that i still deal with on a daily basis.

I stay away from it because i love it - but it took everything i had to come clean and my body ached - i was sick - i never thought i was going to get through it - so i never want to feel that again - and the only way to never feel that way - is to never do it again. I want to help out in the fight against this drug as i made it - and if i can - anyone who has the want to , can too.

Of course there is more to anyones story then a few sentences - anyone who has been addicted has put themselves in dangerous, unhealthy situations and relationships. But if i can help one person - i did my job.

This article comes from CrystalMethBC - Meth Information Website

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