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Burnside harm reduction meeting report

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Joined: Jun 06, 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:45 pm    Post subject: Burnside harm reduction meeting report Reply with quote

I attended the harm reduction presentation June 1 at the Burnside community center. The biggest round of applause came for a member of the audience who said that housing was the first and highest need. Second most popular was more education in schools. Funding for self help groups is down, or static. I never figured out what VIHA is doing, other than being represented. The police spokesman talked about the need for housing, harm reduction, and detox before enforcement can be effective. There was some support for the de-criminalization of marijuana, and blame on the war-on-pot for its slow adoption in Canada. Bottom line as I read it: not enough funding for even the most efficient organizations to provide harm reduction.If you can't get into one of the half dozen detox beds, dry-out on the street. Leaflets available.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CMParent...when Maple Ridge decided to take action with what they thought was a homeless problem they were surpised to find that the real problem was addictions - mostly crystal meth. Treating addictions (the root of the problem) as their first priority has reduced their number of homeless from over 400 to less than 50 in just 14 months. Each homeless person was identified by name and they received individual help to ensure that their needs were met. They state that the majority of people now on the street want to be there. They are the only municipality in all of the Greater Vancouver Reginal District to see a decline in homelessness! The Maple Ridge template and experience must be looked at before we throw resources and money simply treating the sympton. And after hearing from several CM parents who have had to make the heartbreaking decision to lock their doors to their children it is clear from these cases that again, it is addiction that put them on the streets - not the availability of a home. No easy answers, but it makes sense to look at the success of another community similiar in size to Victoria.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Ellen
I'd like to propose this senario
to BGCA.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Meltorme for helping out with this problem. I would suggest however that in keeping with the Maple Ridge Task Force template that the Burnside assoc. initially appoint one person to represent the assoc. to the Crystal Meth Victoria Society organizing committee. This smaller organizing committee will divide the workload by sub-committee function and then the various sub-committee chairpersons will be empowered to seek the people and resources they need to complete the task. Their report will then be presented to the organizing committee within a 30 day deadline. We will not build this action plan by concensus. It is assumed that those coming forward as sub-chairs have the skill, energy and time to complete their plan as they see fit. We do not want to blog down action by too many people with too many ideas. The objectives are simple - the challenge is ensuring that the right people come forward with the tenacity to enact action. The Crystal Meth Victoria Society is working with Maple Ridge to define the overall plan for our region. Once this is fine-tuned, we will welcome someone from your assoc. taking a lead role in the implementation of that plan.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is a misunderstanding.
I don't know if anyone from the Burnside community association is monitoring this forum, let alone wants to represent Burnside-Gorge Community Association. I just reported on the last of the four meetings. It was held at Burnside Elementary, as part of the harm reduction program of the city of Victoria. I'm not a representative. was the contact for the meetings, now passed.
Here is a link:
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you, CMparent. The society is in touch with Victoria City Hall in addition to other municipalities. But your idea is a good one in that passing along information on the Crystal Meth Victoria Society and its website to the Burnside Comm. Assoc. will expand the network. The website is designed to make it easier to find all the resources in one place. The site will grow as information is added. If the Burnside CA has programs for youth or parents, this info can be included in the site. Thanks again for adding ideas that will help everyone.
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