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Addicts Having Babies

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:48 pm    Post subject: Addicts Having Babies Reply with quote

I currently live in the lower mainland, not Victoria but this probelm of meth addiction seems to be spreading to all corners of the world.

My sister's baby is currently living with me and has been for the past 6 months due to her and the fathers addiction. The parents are no longer together and now I have found out that she has another baby on the way due in December! (with a different father) I don't know if I can care for another child, family or not as I have my own plus I'm taking care of her first child already.

So although I have many questions I guess my biggest concern is - Is there any way to prevent her from having child after child after child? One has already been taken away by social services and she's already pregnant again.

Did I mention she's only 19! Help,
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:18 am    Post subject: to Brandi Reply with quote

Hello Brandi

Unfortuneatly there is no way to prevent the child bearing in your sister or anyone else, other than *if* you can convince her to have the Birth Control Injection that is supposed to give 6 months protection against pregnancy. 'The PILL' is usually not effective with those who 'use' as sometimes they 'forget' to take it.

You did not mention whether the baby has been 'placed' with you by the MCFD so I am assuming not. I do hope that you have applied for the *CHILD IN HOME OF RELATIVE* funding via Ministry of Human Resources.
This is not a great amount, is based on the age of the child, however does keep the child covered with Medical and Dental and gives a bit of financial support to the family.

I can put you in contact with an Advocate in the lower mainland, if you wish.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Brandi, Although you can't do anything, you can try to talk your sister into having her tubes tied in the hospital right after the baby is born. Your sister would need to sign some paper work. I suggest that you try to set up a Dr's ap for the 2 of you to go to & suggest it to her then. If she won't go, which is very highly likely given her addiction, try to be there at the hospital during the birth, to give her the support she will need. She's still a person & needs to know at least one person is there for her.

I also think you should (if you haven't already) get the funding the pp suggested. You can also ask for relief care for that sweet baby you're caring for. The Ministry also offers free courses through out the year on how to care for babies born to drug addiction. It's a great way to learn valuable coping/caring skills & meet up with others having to deal with the same issues as you. It's really important that you get support.

Take care & good luck, never feel you're alone. Wink
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