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Preventing Harmful Substance Use

The evidence base for policy and practice -

The prevention of harm from drug use, both legal and illegal, is a major concern to government departments and clinicians throughout the world. Recently, much new research has been conducted regarding global levels and patterns of drug-related harm, on common risk factors with other social problems (e.g. mental health, crime) and on the effectiveness of wide range of intervention strategies. There is a need to summarise and synthesise this new knowledge for use in a range of disciplines. Preventing Harmful Substance Use offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date advice available on the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse. Contributors provide authoritative, science-based reviews of knowledge on their areas of expertise, and make clear recommendations for the future of prevention policy and practice. A final section draws the work together and offers a framework for an integrated science of prevention.

Table of Contents

SECTION 1: Editors Introduction.

1.1 Preventing Risky Drug Use and Related Harms: The Need For a Synthesis of New Knowledge ( Tim Stockwell, Paul Gruenewald, John Toumbourou and Wendy Loxley ).

SECTION 2: Patterns of risk and related harms (Editor: Tim Stockwell ).

SECTION 3: Interventions for children and adolescents (Editor: John Toumbourou).

SECTION 4: Interventions in the community; illustrative case studies (Editor: Paul Gruenewald).

SECTION 5: Legislative and Regulatory Perspectives on the Prevention of Risky Drug Use and Harm (Editor: Wendy Loxley ).

SECTION 6: The evidence base for prevention in broad perspective (Editor: Paul Gruenewald).

SECTION 7: The future of prevention research and policy (Editor: Tim Stockwell ).

7.5 Recommendations For New Directions in the Prevention of Risky Substance Use and Related Harms ( Tim Stockwell , Paul Gruenewald, John Toumbourou and Wendy Loxley ).

Added: June 5th 2005
Reviewer: Marilyn Erickson
Related Link: Uvic Centre for Addictions Research of BC
Hits: 4684


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