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Death in our streets.

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Joined: Sep 02, 2005
Posts: 1
Location: Victoria/Sydney

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:33 pm    Post subject: Death in our streets. Reply with quote

Honey the phones ringing will you get it. "o christ almighty who would be calling at this time of night? I complained as I sat up tired reaching for the phone. Hello who is this? I asked and for a fleeting moment knew what was about to happen...Hello this is constable Smith of the police departmnt. I regret to inform you that your daugther has died as result of a violent reaction to a drug we have come to know as Crystalmeth. She was only 13 years old was my first thought after that as my wife walked into the bedroom. One look from her into my eyes revealed the truth of what I had just been told. It's Tina dear...I'll never forget the look on my dear wife's face as all the life drained from her face.
Our daughter was not with out her own growing up issues, but why did she have to die? She was just a baby...
This is not a true story. it's made up and I sit writting it tears are falling from eyes because the truth of the matter is simple this story is being played out every-day across north america. Our children are dieing we are losing our communties, our educators are afraid... this isn't happening in some third world country, it happened to some family just the other night right here in Victoria. The very same night we gathered to come to a collective agreement on the direction this entire operation should be directed... while we talked ate cookies and drank coffee a 13 year old girl died in our city. There continues to be death in our very own street's, it's time to stop talking and time to get acting on this innititive.
After 27 years of research in the active side of addiction I have come to one simple conclusion... The truth for me is simply this...I love am loved and feel worthwhile.
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