f CrystalMethBC - Meth Information Website - The Story:
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Personal Stories: The Story:
Personal Stories I want to start by saying I am a recovered user. I have been clean now for about two years. Since I left my husband {the father of my two children}. I am single mother of two. I married at a young age to a much older man that used meth. The first time I was ever exposed to it was with him. He told me if I wanted to try it, I said yes. It was horrible the nastiest taste ever. I did not try it again until two children and a marrige later.
Meanwhile he was doing it on and off. I hated seeing him pick marks all over his body, ulcers in his stomach, not only did he hurt himself but his family. He could not keep a job. He would nt help with the kids. Thats when I started to feel, well maybe if I did it too he would be around me a little more or we could have something in commin besides the kids. So yeah one morning around 4:00 am he knocks on the door I hadnt seen him like in two days. So i wake up and let him in he reaked he smelled horrible. I ask him if he had any shit thats what we call it down here. He could not believe what he was hearing I said yes do you have any shit cause if you do I want some. He asks {what are the kids doing?} I reply {what does a 3yr.old and a 1yr.old do at 4:00 oclock in the morning.} their sleeping I said. So he says do you really want some I said yes. So he loades up this little pipe he had made.
I took a few hits I litaraly had tears in my eyes. Whe spent the next 6 months or so together almost twenty four hours a day together of course we finally had something in commin we were both two selfish, tweeked out idiots. So one day I decide that that was not the life I wanted for myself or my children. It didnt take a rehab program or jail time. It took my own will and most importantly my two beutiful children. So I left about two years ago never gone back I work have a home good friends and two kids that are proud to have me as their mother. The father of my children has been in and out of jail I see him around town on his bike with his backpack on homeles of course that the only the meth does it leaves you with nothing. No family no friends nothing positive nothing to look forwards to. If your a user and and your reading this your on the right track . Be strong its a long journey you can win this battle all you need is your will. Not anyone or anything but yourself . If your family of a user dont exhaust yourself remember their where their at cause their own decisions its not your fault. Theres only so much you can do.

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