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News Articles: Task force tackles Meth
Government Expect prevention, treatment recommendations in six to nine months

A task force struck to tackle crystal meth use in Grey-Bruce will make recommendations to prevent and treat addicts within six to nine months, said its co-chairwoman, Sandy Stockman.

Use of the street drug cuts across all walks of life, but it’s becoming more prevalent among youth, particularly young women, she said yesterday in an interview.

Indicators that the problem is growing include that 8% or 9% of clients in two local youth addiction treatment programs are addicted to meth, she said. About 60% to 70% of people facing charges in court who are assisted by a local Canadian Mental Health Association court support worker use meth.

Anecdotal surveys taken also suggest the use of crystal methamphetamine is growing, said Stockman, executive director of the Grey Bruce Community Health Corporation.

The highly addictive street drug, also called speed and crank, creates euphoria and increased alertness. It also decreases appetite, which is why some take it for weight control, Stockman said.

There are four areas the task force will address: enforcement; harm reduction strategies for police, fire and ambulance crews responding to meth labs and for users through needle exchanges, for example; education and treatment.

Stockman said “our addiction programs are pretty well all operating at or beyond capacity.”

Equally serious is the lack of opportunities for local people to safely withdraw from the drug and resources specifically targeting their addiction, she said. “We just simply don’t have dedicated resources for that right now.”

Yet there’s a very narrow window of opportunity to help addicts when they decide they want it.

The task force held its first meeting in Owen Sound Tuesday. Stockman anticipates planning will take the summer, then working groups involving local people with expertise will come up with recommendations and strategies six or nine months from now.

“I think that our ability to make sustained change will also depend on the extent to which we can mobilize some resources and mobilize the sustained interest of the community,” Stockman said.

Task force members include county councillors from Grey and Bruce counties, the federal Crown attorney, representatives from the OPP organized crime enforcement bureau, other police, social service agencies and school boards.

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